Perfect Peace for Moms

by Rebekah Leavell

“You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3

This has been a go-to verse for me through many seasons of my adult life. Now, in the summer months, it has been even more of a chime in my mind through these long days than ever.

With a husband working from home, and as a mom with four children stuck home along with me for summer vacation, it can be very hard to think about any possibility of peace, let alone perfect peace! Our house is all on one floor and is not the square footage that most in our area would deem large enough for a family of six.

With everyone home together for days and weeks nonstop until school resumes, it gets very messy, noisy, and chaotic…all in my one room living, dining, and kitchen area.

In addition, there are trips out of town to get out of the summer heat, doctors/dentist visits, play dates, trips to the pool to cool off, etc.

Oh, and we are teaching another child how to drive when gas is at $5 a gallon.

And the laundry…oh the laundry. That’s all I will say about that.

Also, did I mention that my husband does this to our dining room/living room almost every summer with the kids? This picture only shows about half of all of the trains that are taken out of storage for the summer at our home. I have to smile because my kids love when my husband gets out our collection of trains with them, but it certainly lends to the summer of clutter.

Perfect Peace as a Mom?

Really? How??

The key in the promise of peace is our mind and heart is not found in making sure my home remains spotless or that I have Pinterest ready meals for my family every day. It certainly does not come from obsessing over the news each day! Peace isn’t found in making sure my boys are never rambunctious in the house or that my daughter doesn’t again leave her colored pencils on the counter. It also doesn’t come from sequestering myself off in our bedroom because my kids always seem to know where to find me.

Where does my peace as a mom of four come from?

Peace comes from remaining focused and fixated onto God, which is contingent on my trusting in who He is and in His character. When I know who God is, and His character of sovereignly perfect love, goodness, grace, mercy, etc., then in the midst of the chaos of family life, my soul can be at perfect peace.

Why? How?

Because I can trust that He has an ultimately flawless plan and purpose for my good and His glory that goes far beyond my abilities as a mom.

Resting in God’s Character

If you don’t know if you can trust God’s character and heart towards peace, then I encourage you to start by reading the book of John in the New Testament.

In John 14:9,  Jesus said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.”

To understand and experience the God of peace, you must look at the “Prince of Peace.” Believe it or not, the craziness of summer could provide a good opportunity for you to see for yourself the trustworthiness of God and experience His ability to deliver on His promise of perfect peace! Jesus left us His peace and all those who find Him can experience that peace.

Yes, even us moms.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t right times to find rest from the noise of motherhood. But it does mean that in the midst of being Mom, I can be at peace knowing I am exactly where God wants me and who He wants me with.

If you are struggling with peace and have any questions or would like to talk about this subject further, the counselors here at Biblical Counseling of Arizona would love to be of help and encouragement!

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27


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